A commitment to society
The value created must be shared
Jobs, profits reinvested in innovation or energy transition… By supporting businesses in their growth, private equity players create value. This value must be shared.
Rewarding human capital
The development of a business does not depend solely on the management team. Everyone, whatever their position, contributes their experience and know-how, their passion and professionalism.
At France Invest, we believe that this value created must be shared with all employees.
Value sharing
Incentives, profit-sharing, employee shareholding… certain tools were already provided for by law. In 2019, within the framework of the Pacte law, France Invest wanted to propose to the legislator an innovative mechanism for sharing value between shareholders and employees.
Shareholders undertake to share up to 10% of the capital gain created during the 5 to 7 years of their support. When the value creation is materialised, the value is distributed via a system of matching contributions in the company savings plan.
Our objective for 2030
Profit-sharing schemes in all companies of our members’ portfolios.
85% with an employee share ownership scheme.
Channelling savings to businesses
Performance and meaning
In search of meaning and profitability, family offices and individuals now see private equity as a complementary solution to listed markets and real estate.
Helping start-ups get off the ground, financing innovation or enabling an SME to transform itself… the possibilities for profitable and meaningful investment are numerous.
The Pacte law has opened doors to enable this access; France Invest is following this democratisation process closely and is a wellspring of proposals on how to remove the barriers that may persist and to educate the distribution networks about these products.